Saturday 23 February 2013

Friday 22nd February

Car and caravan packed and we're on the road again. We planned a departure date of 14th February, but as with planning, flexibility is the key. Especially when it involves car repairs. Good job done, thanks Toyota. Other planning is, no planning. No dates to be anywhere, no dates to return home.

All intersections on our departure showed us Green. Green lights at every intersection .. WOW, we took that as a positive sign.

Our first stop for lunch at Home Hill. We usually stop at the park on the southern side of town, it's basic with an old picnic table and toilets, but on a day-trip to Bowen, Dad showed me the 'Comfort Stop'. We've upgraded now. This spot offers a covered area with not only picnic tables and toilets, but a stainless steel sink and bench. Music too, but we won't say anymore about that.

We enjoy listening to books as we travel and we've started with Di Morrissey's Monsoon. Funny how some things stick in your mind, like the comment made by the character Tom, an Australian journalist who reported on the Vietnam war and now 30 years later returns to holiday there 'once a journalist, always a journalist' and may write an article or two of his travels. He got me thinking about the writers mind. Do writers compose sentences, paragraphs as they're travelling? Or do they have such great memories that they can sit and 'spew' all their experiences on the page. I guess, as with all things, the more you do something, the better you get, here's my go at writing.

Back to our trip.

The big 'stand out' was how green the countryside is and how much water is laying around. Dams on farms are full and overflowing, creeks are flowing. While it's a great feeling that everything looks lush and fresh, not too far from our thoughts is more rain would result in flooding.

As most of you know, we're birdwatchers. We decided it was time for us to try to find the elusive Eungella Honeyeater, only seen at the Eungella National Park (near Mackay). We opted to stay a couple of nights in the showgrounds at Finch Hatton, a small rural town (around 270 people) about 60km west of Mackay in the Pioneer Valley. You can read more here ..
I've never ventured into the Pioneer Valley. Always been in a rush to zoom past and through Mackay to somewhere else.  Setting up camp in a humid 32 degrees wasn't pleasant, but afterall, we are 'glamping' so we shut ourselves away in the air conditioned comfort of our van.

It seems that today's message is green .. green traffic lights on departure and green countryside.

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