Thursday 28 February 2013

Thursday 28th February 2013 ~ Rockhampton

Hello Sunshine,

Today is my Little Brother's 50th Birthday .. Happy Birthday ~ up and over the hill you go .. YIPPPEEE !!

Having been rained in at Koumala for a couple of days, we were at serious risk of 'cabin fever'. However, thanks to technology (computer and audio book) and craft (Ivor's beanie is finished, trauma teddy started !), we survived.

Yesterday, we were encouraged by tiny (very tiny) bits of blue sky breaking through the clouds. Encouraged into thinking that a (dry) change is coming and safe for us to press on with our travels.

As usual, we were up early and over coffee, commented on hearing a few showers in the night (totalling 46mm). While listening to the news, we heard that Gympie had flooded again; mmm, that's where we heading. But, it's time for us to move on, so we should pack and hit the road and aim for Rockhampton (maybe).

We went through only a few light showers here and there and stopped for smoko at a very newly updated, very spacious rest area ~ Waverley Creek Rest Area with lots of covered picnic tables and brand new toilets. There were quite a few other travellers also taking advantage of the facilities. If we were to look at a fast forward video during the course of the day at that rest area, I'm sure it would show a large number of travellers enjoying their rest time.

As we drove into Rockhampton, it was lunch time and decided that it was best to stop here for the night.

After lunch, we drove south for a birdwatching trip. At the large roundabout, we drove through major roadworks. An attempt to 'flood proof' the southern approach to Rockhampton. It might work. But when you look around at the height of the debris left behind from the recent floods, you wonder. At least it will be an attempt to rise above minor flood levels.

We were in search of the Yellow Chat. Following our bird guide, we turned off the highway and ventured down a gravel road, but were stopped by a flooded creek. Never mind, we continued down a different gravel road and eventually came upon the Cheetham Salt works. No Yellow Chat, but an interesting drive.

Meals while travelling can prove a challenge, but we've been enjoying the Thai curry pastes. Tonight's meal was Chicken Massaman - throw in chicken, a few vegies served on rice .. YUMMY.

My other food experiment on this trip is travelling with lettuce. On previous trips, the fridge is too cold for the lettuce and has frozen. So, do you have warm drinks, so the lettuce doesn't freeze, or do you not travel with lettuce?  mmm - no question, cold drinks win every time! But it is nice to have lettuce. I have a winning idea ~ Our lettuce now travels in the fridge, in a wet suit. You know one of those lunch bag coolers that you pack your kids lunch in, to take to school. Our lettuce is happy, and we're happy too. 

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