Friday 1 March 2013

Saturday, 2nd March ~ Childers, Qld

After a quiet night in Rockhampton, we continued our Highway 1 'The Bruce' journey. During the evening before, we mulled over many travel ideas and scenarios, but we always came back to the 'secure' idea that sticking to The Bruce, would prove the most 'flood proof' (I know, I love that word). As we listened to the weather report, and heard of more heavy rain for the Gympie area, we looked at each other and frowned. We consoled ourselves with a yummy sausage role and chilli pie at Mt Larcom - only a smoko stop, but we'll call it nervous energy sustenance. With the weather dictating our journey, and choice of location, we decided on the high ground at Childers.

The Bruce is mostly in good condition and it's quite a treat driving over the newly finished sections. Still lots of new sections to be finished.

Some of the older sections are a bit rough - but the condition is no where near as bad as we experienced during our 2011 road trip.

As we arrived in Childers, the car needed petrol. We joined a non-moving queue at the servo and wondered what the hold-up could be. This little delay gave us time to see we were next to a Woollies - perfect, we can top up the pantry. As we drove up to our bowser, the driver next to us started disconnecting his car/caravan, we were quite puzzled. With our petrol and food business done, we saw a tow truck with that guys car on the back and caravan towing behind. Poor things. Looks like their brand new Ford Territory was in need of a rest.

Once all set up, and having lunch, we were surprised to learn that the time was 3pm. Thanks to that feast we had at smoko.

The Chef decided on Panaeng Chicken for dinner. Another jar of convenient curry paste and coconut milk, another yummy meal, with left-overs for another meal. Why cook just one meal, when you can easily do two?

We've finished our book 'Monsoon' .. so why is it still monsooning ?  I know, who would be foolish enough to travel at this time of the year?  Well .. ? (Those of you who remember Bewitched .. 'Well' is said with Samatha's inflection. And right now, I wish I could twitch my nose and be somewhere else, or stop the rain. While sipping a cool drink last everning, I was admiring our bush view. Should take a photo, I thought, but the light was fading. So I took the photo of the view this morning, we now have a bush and lake view -

Maybe it's because we like the colour blue ... If you look closely, through the rain, you can just make out Childers. You might even see us drowning, not waving.

Anyway, thank goodness for knitting and books. We're listening to a Phryne Fisher mystery 'Murder in the Dark'. Are you watching 'Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries' on ABC? Don't you just love her and the fashions (people and place)?
Here's a pic Ivor modelling his beannie ~


  1. Loving the blog Karen and Dad, love the hat and would love to put in a request for the boys once your trauma teddy has been completed. This is the 2nd comment but the other one didn't work so I'm hoping this one will.
    Much love and safe travels Kate xxxx

    1. Thanks for saying so Kate, glad you're enjoying us sharing our travels. I'd LOVE to make a hat for the boys .. what colours - footy colours or just one colour?
