Monday 22 April 2013

Monday, April 22nd ~ Hamilton, Vic

We may have stayed around Port Fairy for another day, but the wind was incredible. As you looked into the distance, it was like fog, the sea spray was so thick. So we headed inland to Hamilton.

In 2010 we were last in Hamilton and because of the wet weather then, were limited to visiting the Art Gallery; The Big Wool Bales, a tribute to the local wool industry which regards Hamilton as the wool capital of the world; and a lot of sightseeing from the car.

This time, we are able to walk around Lake Hamilton and enjoy birdwatching.

You never know, we might pick up the FRECKLED DUCK  !!  Yes, another tick.

But it doesn't stop there, here's a few more ticks ...

Blue-billed Duck
Musk Duck 
Pink-eared Duck (far right) 
Australasian Shoveller
It is concerning to see the water level low here too, but at least there is still some water for the ducks and birdlife (and us) to enjoy.
I think we'll rename Hamilton, we'll call it 'Duck Town' !!

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