Monday 29 April 2013

Monday, 29th April ~ Waikerie, South Australia

Our decision to depart Ouyen was mixed ... yes, we're going to move on; no, we're not. At our driver/navigator meeting we discussed the different roads we could take with the day's journey end destination planned to be South Australia, not sure which town, but we'd work that out as the day unfolded. Ok, we're off. 

Then we heard the weather warning of 'strong winds'; oh well, maybe we'll stay around Ouyen as a 'day off'. No problem, our previous day was quite busy, we could do with a 'day off'. Ok, we're staying.

But then realised that outside, there wasn't a breath of wind. Ok, let's go and see how the day unfolds.

With the expectation of high winds, we topped up the fuel (just so happened to be place where we'd bought the jelly slice the day before - so bought another one mmm). The traffic level on the road we took was quite low, making the journey quite relaxed enough to enjoy our latest book ('The Farmers Wife') and the wonderful/funny town names ...

Patchewollock, Walpeup, Speed, Boinka, Cowangie, Linga, Tutye, Danyo...
We had smoko in Cowangie and found this great info board with some of the town names

Crossing the Victoria/South Australia border

A sign .. scabby at that! Am I the only person in Australia who thinks that there should be more 'fanfare' associated with crossing a state/territory border?

So much land-clearing for crops

Mind you, we experienced a bit more 'fanfare' at the quarantine stop. I didn't get a photo .. dam .. it was a stop sign on the highway - like roadworks. Quarantine officer came out, and gave us a brochure, we gave her lots more. But, someone has to do the job.

We replenished our supplies at Woolies today. There's another story .. SA banned plastic shopping bags - forgot about that - but you can buy a plastic bag for 15 cents. Dam .. now we'll have to buy garbage bags.

We're staying at Waikerie, a small rural town in the Riverland region on the south bank of the Murray River.  From here, we travel to Gluepot Reserve for a bit of bush camping and twitching. Guess what .. it rained today :)  Never mind, it's supposed to fine up again tomorrow. They need the rain here.

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