Saturday 13 April 2013

Saturday, 14th April ~ Castlemaine, Vic

Bye, bye Kate, Adrian, James & Ben and Melbourne. Thanks for having us. We've taken away a layer of lifetime memories, fun times and created some more layers of 'getting to know you all'. Very special times.

It was time for a bit of 'housekeeping' ~ servicing of car and caravan. We've been to Toyota Essendon in the past, so went back again. This time, we encountered the 'aircraft crossing in action'. Now that's something you don't see everyday. (For the caravan, we found a guy to come to the house .. very handy for us.)

Here are some other views around Melbourne...

The Southern Cross Wheel (out of action) but due to operate again later this year.
We've noticed that there are more and more cyclists or cars transporting bicycles so that they can cycle.  
Hah, no, we've not seen this many, but we have seen multiples usually two or three.
We've also noticed more and more caravans on the road. And as we sit here in our van in Castlemaine, we've watched four caravans roll and it's only 1.30pm !!
Our trip bird count so far is 199 and we've made contact with Debbie Worland who is the Swift Parrot guru. Castlemaine should yield us our Swift Parrot, pushing our count over 200 !! (101 species in Victoria).

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