Saturday 6 April 2013

Sunday, 7th April ~ Melbourne, Vic

Meanwhile back at Camp Mercedes ... where we're receiving loads of TLC ...

The girls had a bit of escape time on Saturday and loved the markets in Brunswick. A quick coffee before heading in ...

This guy loves his job directing people into the Rose Street Artist Market, just a 'natural born advertiser'

Inside the market - so many talented people. 
Outside the market; art on wall and art on people

And finished the day with the chef showing off with one of his yummy Raan Lamb dishes. (He can show off anytime he likes :)  .)
Sunday, we headed out to Pykes Creek Reservoir for a bit of boating.
Taking ourselves off the motorway for a more scenic route through Bacchus Marsh, here is 'The Avenue of Honour'.
Pumpkins anyone?
Such a beautiful day to try out the boat...
It may have been a 'little' windy ..
and while we had sausages (and left over Raan Lamb)

I made friends with these boys who were cooking up rather a large yummy feast! Not one, but three prongs of chicken shish kabab; and one huge souvlaki sausage thingee that looked rather strange, but I'm sure would have tasted yummy.

As we were leaving, more of their friends rolled in to share the feast.

What a great day, all in bed early tonight (extra early) because daylight saving is over !!  Just when we got used to it too.

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