Saturday 4 May 2013

Saturday, 4th May ~ Gluepot Reserve, South Australia

We've been in the wilderness for a few days ~ no power, no running water, no internet !  But we survived, but that first shower oooo yeah ! BLISS. Yeah, alright, we still had our home away from home (caravan) with all its comforts.

Where and what is Gluepot Reserve? Here's a map of SA with the red dot being Adelaide and the blue dot, Gluepot. Gluepot is the place where just about every bird watcher dreams of visiting. It's a bit out of the way, especially for us Queenslanders.

The gravel road is very rough in places, V-E-R-Y rough. But other places, quite good. (That must be the section that is referred to in the brochure 'well-maintained gravel road'.) Surprisingly though, the van and everything inside stayed put, the only exception was the cutlery drawer, it was quite mixed up. 

Once we'd set up the van in Babblers Camp, had some lunch, we excitedly set off on the first walk. (I'll understand if our non-birder family and friends yawn and glaze over...)

Not too far along the track, we spotted a bird - Gilberts Whistler. While enjoying some good looks at him (and taking some bad photos), we also saw White-browed Treecreeper and Chestnut-crowned Babblers (thankfully some better photos). We were well and truly excited.

And to finish off the walk, our first look at the glorious Splendid Fairy-wren. That blue is pretty but in reality is irridescent! Look at him, what a poser.

Once we'd settled down for the night, we started rugging up, and rugging up. We just couldn't get warm and thought it was because we didn't have the luxury of our heater. And getting up in the morning, we needed more and more layers to keep warm. Here's Ivor at breakfast in his balaclava - usually only reserved for bed. This freezing morning was an exception! The Ranger told us it was -1.5 degrees !!!!  Not too wimpy afterall !
For our next birding adventure, we staked out in a bird hide.
And were rewarded with views of Mulga Parrott and Major Mitchell Cockatoo.
Every where you turn, there's another Spiney-cheeked Honeyeater.

Our bird count for our few days was only 54. It was hard work !  (I was even heard to say, 'this could make you give up bird watching!'. We missed out on so many, maybe it was the time of year, maybe not our time. But you get that.

I'm glad we went to Gluepot.

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