Friday 17 May 2013

Friday, 17th May ~ Coffin Bay, SA (Lincoln National Park)

Today we went to Lincoln National Park. The Port Lincoln Parrot welcomes you.

We've been lucky to see quite a few of these guys. But to photograph them is something else. They are so fast, or I'm so slow. This is the best pic of the Port Lincoln Parrot I've been able to snap.  A headless PLP ... hah !!

And when he did look up, he looked away .. thanks ! His mate was more co-operative, but I missed him !  Anyway .. you get those days.

I'm glad we went to the Coffin Bay NP before Lincoln NP; or maybe you should do one of the parks, not two.??  In other words, Coffin Bay NP was our 'stand out'. Was it the scenery? It was more spectacular.. those cliffs .. wow! I really can't put my finger on just one thing, maybe it's just the vibe.

Can't blame the bird count, it was similar: Coffin Bay (45); Lincoln (43).

At Lincoln NP, we had an added highlight of seeing dolphins (I did my best to get a pic, but it's trickey), if you've seen dolphins swimming by, you will remember that feeling of excitement and wow factor.
Another highlight was Emus wandering by as we lunched ...

At our unusual picnic table. Have you seen this type of design before? No crumbs here...

Here's a pic of our 'welcoming home' party ...  at least they were next door this time. As we drove in yesterday, they were just about in our van !
Moving on tomorrow ...

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