Sunday 26 May 2013

Sunday, 26th May ~ Flinders Ranges (all covered)

For three excursions now, we followed all the helpful instructions and directions to find the Short-tailed Grasswren, but failed. We've been stuck with spinifex (ouch!), stumbled on loose rocks, scrambled up hills, walked and walked to try and find the little 'b' but, nope, nothing, zero, ziltch ! We declare them extinct!

However, we did see the rare Red Throats and the gorgeous Elegant Parrot (sorry no pics). Always a treat to see the little Silvereyes (right next to our van)
And Mallee Ringneck (again, right next to our van and throughout the park - or resort as it's known here).
Would you believe we saw Wood Ducks on Wood Duck Dam (the 2nd time - nobody there the 1st visit)

Intrigued by the landscape, and the colours, I've taken so many photos. Everything changes colour every day, some times the hills are pink, some times blue. I've chosen a few to show you.

More intrigued with the shape of everything, I went onto Google maps satellite view and found Wilpena Pound.

Thanks Flinders Ranges and Wilpena Pound, the weather was absolutely perfect (cold, but that's ok, it is almost winter).

Here's the cook in the kitchen .. yummy Indian Tuna and dahl.

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