Wednesday 22 May 2013

Wednesday, 22nd May ~ Port Augusta, SA (again)

Here we are, back in Port Augusta after looping around the Yorke Peninsula and a smaller loop around the Eyre Peninsula. (sounding like a local now ...)

The weather turned quite bad during the afternoon of our stay in Kimba and on waking, it was only going to get worse with heavy cloud, gusty winds and showers (not heavy though). Lucky for us, our trip to Port Augusta was a short one and as the weather deteriorated further (very strong gusty winds), we were safely tucked up in the caravan park. Sadly, there were no en suite sites available, but happily, there was a spare site for us.

MENTAL NOTE: might be a good idea to think about booking ahead. The number of caravans on the road increases with every journey.

As we covered most of Port Augusta during our last visit, it was an ideal time to rest up, shop up, cook up and catch up in readiness for our Flinders Ranges sector. We've booked ahead at Wilpena Pound. Of course, I had to find out what the name means. Locals call it the Pound. Is it somewhere where we'll be 'locked up'? The name for the Pound, Wilpena, is reported to be Aboriginal, meaning "place of bent fingers"; this might either be a reference to the mountains resembling the shape of a gently cupped hand, or the freezing cold of the ranges in winter. The traditional owners, the Adnyamathanha, however, have no such word in their language. Their name for the Pound is Ikara which means "meeting place". Sounds like I need to find our more about Wilpena Pound the natural amphitheatre of mountains.

I've seen some beautiful photos of the scenery, hopefully the weather will be kind to us and enable the beauty to shine for us.

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