Friday 24 May 2013

Friday, 24th May ~ Flinders Ranges, SA (part 1)

Hello from Wilpena Pound .. woof woof :)
where GLAMPING has well and truly hit top of the tree .. we arrived at 11.30am in a cool 11 degrees, with an awful wind from a glacier, so we tucked up with the heater on !  We're booked in for four nights, so we don't feel too bad about chillling out.

You can't stay cooped up in the van all day, so we stretched out our muscles for a 'cool' afternoon walk (just 7km !).
We woke to a very cool 6 degrees (inside the van, ie colder outside), and didn't waste too much time before setting off for the day with smoko and lunch packed. Thankfully little or no wind from the glacier today. The scenery is just breath taking ... no mistaking the view of Wilpena Pound from Stokes Hill lookout (the blue hills in the background).

Driving down Stokes Hill (Wilpena Pound in background)

We drove on to Winkawillina Gorge and walked (about 3km), to see more stunning scenery and rocks.  

The slope was quite steep on parts of the track, but it's ok, it's safe, there is a safety fence.

And here's a pic of the last goat who walked the track ... mmmm
More walking and scenery to come ...

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