Wednesday 27 March 2013

Learnings about my Blog

I would like to share some of my learnings about my Blog and maybe you know already, or maybe you'll find something in the list to help you.

the photo you see in the blog is a thumbnail image designed to reduce bandwith and download time. Click on any thumbnail and you'll link to the full sized photo and photo gallery.

I'm sorry if you've commented and I've not responded. I'm unable to see your comment/s. Don't know why, but I've sent in my feedback. I am able to see a couple of comments from Kate, but I know of other friends who have commented and I'm not able to see it. If you'd like to comment, please email me  -  it's always good to hear what you're up to and what's going on in your neighbourhood.

Friends / Followers;
I can see a couple of Friends following the blog, because I see their thumbnail pic. But I know I have more Friends following, but they don't show.  Don't know why and once again I've emailed my feedback.

You don't have to 'sign up' to the Blog or wait for me to email you the link to the latest update, if you keep an email, you can click the link any time and you'll see the latest story. Mind you, you don't have to read every word, you can just look at the pictures. Or not...

I think that there are better blog sites out there .. but this is where I started and I'm not changing, just learning.

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