Wednesday 20 March 2013

Thursday, 21st March ~ a bit backwards

I was thinking about our lovely smoko spot in Ulladulla and realised that I hadn't mentioned many details about our drive from Shoalhaven Heads to Canberra.

Once again during our drive, we found it difficult to locate a rest area. There were a couple early on where we could have stopped with ease, but it was too early in the day. It's all about timing. And before we knew it, we were in Ulladulla with a very nice view of a little bay, sprinkled with a few boats, ahh, now this, is a nice smoko stop. On Easter Sunday, every year, there's the traditional 'Blessing of the Fleet' Festival.

Resuming our journey, we missed our turn to join the Kings Highway over the Clyde Mountain to Canberra, but instead, enjoyed a quickie tour of Bateman's Bay. (We were supposed to turn before we crossed the bridge into Bateman's Bay.) Anyway .. that's ok, it was a lovely brief tour.

Thankfully, since my last road trip over the Clyde, the road has been widened (mostly anyway). There's still a few hair pin bends, but going up those, doesn't seem as bad as coming down.

Our lunch stop was in Braidwood - mmm yummy pies at the bakery. Lots of travellers had the same idea. Caravans lined the side streets, no matter which side street you looked into.


Our camps book listed only two caravan parks (located on the highways) and mentioned the Exhibition Centre (back from the highway), so naturally, the location of the Exhibition Centre attracted us. However, on reading the fine print 'no camping at Easter, plus one week either side, and Christmas'. Timing .. again. Somehow, we then found another caravan park that we thought suited our needs. I know, flush with choices ! Our enquiry about a caravan site, was met with 'we're booked out'. Dam.  What now?  As we stood there thinking, the assistant tapped some keys on the computer and said, I could put you on the 'grassed camping area, there's no slab though'. We smiled, relieved and said 'yes thanks, we're not worried about a slab', and here it is, our lovely grassed area... I know, you were thinking 'green grass' weren't you ?

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