Wednesday 13 March 2013

Wednesday 13th March ~ Clarence Town, NSW

It's always a gamble to enjoy something (like fish n chips) one day and then go back for seconds. Well, winners are grinners .. we enjoyed the fish n chips again, this time for lunch. Sooo delicious.

After we'd fed our faces, there was more talk of food. What's for dinner tonight? and come to think of it, what food do we have for the next few days? We didn't fancy a trip back to Coffs, so instead headed south to Nambucca Heads and did bit of a pantry top-up.

Interesting drive along the Pacific Highway - I've never seen this much domination before .. THERE WILL BE NO OVERTAKING HERE ! the safety barrier shouted at us.
We didn't spend much time in Nambucca Heads, but didn't miss the gigantic (beautiful) mosaic monster in the main street, I don't know how long it is, but it's long ... here's a glimpse (but if you want to see more click on the link).
As the day drew to an end, we just had to venture out onto the Urunga boardwalk (or footbridge) again - such a brilliant asset to the little area. Loved watching the millions of busy, busy soldier crabs; and

other sea creatures
and of course, the bird life (White-faced Heron)
There's been a shower of rain every night in Urunga, but the morning brings sunshine. Except for today, it was still raining as the sun came up. Regardless, we kept to our plan of moving on. Didn't know where to, but just move on.
Kempsey came into view for our smoko stop. Poor Kempsey people - the evidence of flooding was still everywhere. Everywhere you look, flood debris lodged and at such high levels. Our camps book guided us to 'Riverside Park' and we wondered (worried) what might greet us ... yep, that's debris lodged right up (and over) the roof of the shelter!
Not ready to call it a day, we travelled on and Taree loomed for lunch. We weaved our way through the roadworks - they're heavily into getting the dual lanes of the freeway/motorway underway. Found the information centre with everything a traveller needs, space to park the big rig, toilets, information and a craft shop!
Heavily laden with information and full tummies, we set off for destination still unknown. My co-driver was sifting through the multitudes of info, but fell back to the trusty camps book and found an out-of-the-way park on the Williams River, just north of Newcastle. Well that sounds nice. Co-driver, turned navigator, says turn here and there and well on we go, and go .. up and down narrow (and very rough at times) hillside roads; came upon some roadworks where I think all of the workers thought "what the ... " but we wandered on by with a wave .. anyway, much, later we arrived at Clarence Town on the Williams River. First we had to cross the Williams River - deep breath.. the bridge is only 3 metres wide and is boasted as being the 'oldest surviving timber truss bridge in NSW'. And the sign says 'no passing or overtaking' ... phssst, umm how could you?
So tonight, we have our very nice, very quiet and out of the way camp. Blissfully resting and sleeping, before heading into the madness of navigating Sydney !!  Well, we looked at going around Sydney, but it's mind boggling, so this may well be my last update. Nah, we'll be right.

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