Monday 11 March 2013

Tuesday 12 March ~ Urunga, NSW

The plan for staying at Glenreagh was so that we could leave the van for the day and drive up to Dorrigo. But after a chat with the caretaker of the Glenreagh Reserve, we learned that 'up that way there has been falling rocks and landslides due to the rain'. It was good to chat to the caretaker because overhead at least 12 Yellow-tailed Black Cockies were flying over. Very majestic.

Ok, next plan.

After studying the map, the next best place to leave the van for the day and drive up to Dorrigo is Urunga (if only my co-driver could remember the name .. Uralla, Umunga, U something .. you gotta laugh).

The drive to Urunga (just south of Coffs Harbour) was quiet and easy. Being Sunday, and off the main highway, there was little truck traffic, but loads of motorcycles. Urunga is 'the best kept secret on the mid north coast' so don't tell anyone. There's only two caravan parks, so we pulled into the first to be met with a sign 'back soon'. With some time up our sleeve, we thought we'd check out the township and other van park. As fate would have it, it was the better park. First park located on main road, second park located on Kalang River with boardwalk, next to a park and short walk to main street.

On our way to find the other caravan park, we noticed a fish n chip shop and immediately thought mmm that sounds good. Then I remembered we are in NSW and usually the fish is well, not as good as Townsville. But the taste buds won and do you know, it was the best fish n chips we've had in a long while. I know, I hate to say it, but it was, the best batter, the best fish (even though it had the skin on) and crispy chips.

The board walk connects the township to the main surf beach (looking back at the township).
What a fantastic place, the sun shines here.. (just ignor the threatening clouds)
We set off to Dorrigo (World Heritage) National Park in glorious sunshine, with a cool breeze, enough to want to cover the arms. It was a lovely relaxing scenic drive through lush green paddocks; followed by the scenic but less relaxing, winding road to the top of the mountain to Dorrigo township, where it is essential to visit the bakery that still uses a wood-fired oven.
Fueled by our smoko, we ventured into the NP visitors centre and received our instructions for the walk. There are various walks, ranging from the very easy and short, Sky Walk (just don't look down) to the 6.6km full circuit walk.
As you can see in the background, the weather was closing in, but we did the full circuit and it was spectacular (even the steep bits). All tracks are sealed with some boardwalks, a suspension bridge, a couple of waterfalls and lots of birds.
Lee-Anne (who checked us into our walk) commented to us on our return 'Gee, you've been gone for hours'. Our comment to her was 'yes, and we've experienced all the seasons'. As I was browsing over the 'nic nacs' I overheard her repeat our words to other returning walkers.
We're enjoying a rest day today and taking advantage of Urunga's stress-free atmosphere and looking forward to indulging in a feed of those fish n chips :)

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