Saturday 9 March 2013

Saturday 9th March ~ Glenreagh, NSW

Happy Birthday to my Dad is where I start my story today, but I need to backtrack a bit.

I'm glad we spent the extra day in Tenterfield, it gave us time to appreciate the
history. Like the caravan park we stayed in .. Tenterfield Lodge & Caravan Park ~ it's a park-like setting tucked away. The Lodge is a beautiful heritage-listed building, built in 1875 as The Temperance Hotel. It now houses the gueshouse accommodation and the office. Julie & Jim are so proud of their business and it shows. We were very happy to be there and will stay again.
Here's our site


We enjoyed the many historical sites:

Who can think of Tenterfield, without singing along with Peter Allen (out loud, or in their head) the Tenterfield Saddler, here's the vision for you.

the Railway Museum
Thunderbolt's cave, but I didn't take a photo.
Once again, we woke to a wet morning and quite cold 14 degrees. Our pack-up takes us about 15-20 minutes, nice and quick and we were on the road again.
We always pack a thermos so that we can stop wherever we like for smoko, enjoy those bush scenes and bird watching. Today, for some reason, we kept missing the rest area signs and therefore the rest areas. So many times, we saw them too late to stop. Glen Innis .. already!? and before we had a chance to stop .. whoops. Oh well, there'll be a rest area just out of Glen Innis. Ha ! The weather closed in and then we were on Gibraltar Range ...
Finally, after rejecting many slushy side tracks and concentrating hard, we found a single lane road to Rasberry Lookout, misty rain and cloud .. too bad, coffee calls, albeit a quickie stop.

This is the site on a good day ...
Coming off the range, the drive became quite scenic. Weaving our way along a valley and on the edge of Mann River. Man what a river! Huge! So wide, so long and soo much water flowing.
We had an idea that we'd like to stop at Jackadgery Caravan Park or free camp (one on each side of the river).  The info in the Camps book met our criteria, but .. maybe it was the weather, it didn't look so good and the free camp was a bit too pokey. We stopped to give it a chance, stretch our legs and in that short time, the bird watching was good, but we knew there must be better stops.
On the road again, to Grafton, just to re-fuel. And before we knew it, no turning back, we had to drive across the mighty Clarence River. It was the bridge that we'll never forget .. in a word unbelieveable! It's very narrow, long and has bends. Of course we had to encounter an oncoming B-double cattle truck on one of the bends. Good grief... That's where you need a camera pointing at you to catch that face .. catch those saucer sized eyes catch that jaw drop ~ funny now though.
Not wanting to stay in Grafton, Ivor had remembered reading about Glenreagh Recreational Reserve in the Camps book. Glenreagh is on the way to Coffs Harbour, found the signs and off we set. Just as we were saying to each other, 'we're almost at Coffs, did we miss the Glenreagh sign?' Glenreagh appeared. Found the right road and here we are .. along with the Coffs Harbour motorhome club AND a pony club gymkhana too!! Something different. Ahhh the luscious smell of horse poo. Is that a bit of blue sky in the photo?
what a day .. what's next ... ??

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