Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thursday 28th March ~ Everton, Vic

A lovely week in Canberra over and time to move on.

Our drive to Everton (near Wangaratta, Vic) was a little longer than we like to do, but manageable. We wanted to be in this vicinity because we have a 'pressing engagement' :) Meeting up with Kate, Adrian, James and Ben for our family Easter camp. YAY ..

And we knew, once we arrived in Everton, we could rest up.

I couldn't believe the lack of traffic on the Hume Highway. In the past, when we've travelled along this highway, the traffic has been quite heavy. Well a lot heavier than we experienced on Tuesday (remember this is a dual carriageway highway - no oncoming vehicles either, as you can see). Not complaining mind you!

We're in a built up part of the country (Australia, that is) now. The distance between towns is not as great as in Queensland (just as an example). I like to explore some of the history and basic facts of places we stay (or see along the way).

Everton is a small town located 20km from Wangaratta in north east Victoria, along the Great Alpine Road. At the 2006 census, Everton and the surrounding area had a population of 274.

Attractions of the town and area include the Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail (a sealed off-road bicycle path offering 95km of cycling along former railway tracks), wineries, and the Victorian High Country. (awh, and we didn't bring the bikes !  ha ! )  Everton Post Office opened in 1876 and closed in 1965. Don't forget the pub ...

And the caravan park, where every site has an ensuite and car cover. Some have their own olive tree too. Might have to stay for harvest time.
Most of the customers at the park are permanent residents, who live in caravans that go nowhere. But then we saw this one. Somewhere in this creative construction is a caravan.

have a closer look at that dry stone wall, you have to admire the craftsmanship
another example of craftmanship we've found in Everton.
Thursday is rendevoux day. Guess what ?  It's raining !  Ahh well.

Happy Easter everyone. Stay safe whatever you're up to.

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